05 April 2007

are we merely deceiving ourselves?

Every Thursday as I drive to class I always seem to chance upon a particular radio show titled "War of the Roses." The purpose is for people, primarily women it seems, to attempt to catch their significant other sending flowers to another person thus indicating their unfaithfulness in the relationship. This is how it always seems to play out. A woman calls in, describes her situation to the dj, in turn he calls up the guy and tells him he has been chosen to have flowers delivered for free to anyone he chooses. This usually is where the guy ends up wanting to send them to some other woman, usually with a message further indicating his unfaithfulness. Today as I listened to the "couple" bickering over the radio about how she couldn't fulfill his needs and how he wasn't man enough to be honest, I started thinking about the whole idea behind monogamous relationships and why we seem to kid ourselves into believing they actually work.
I look around and see an overwhelming number of relationships failing instead of succeeding and I am not judging success by marriage versus divorce because it goes back to the age old saying, "You can't judge a book by its cover." I know plenty of couples who could possibly benefit more from divorce than remaining together. Now granted I'm not saying that all relationships are doomed to failure but in what other aspect would we continue to fail time and time again and still attempt a seemingly impossible feat. In what other aspect would we watch those around us continue to endure hardships and failures and then believe our outcome could possibly be different.
Why do we put so much value in monogamous relationships. Given the amount of divorce and failed relationships, isn't it becoming increasingly apparent that perhaps we weren't meant to spend our lifetime with just one person. Perhaps we are allowed more. I've given up on the whole idealistic notion of soul mates. Be realistic. Look at the relationships around you and the experiences you have been subjected to. I truly don't believe one person can make us happy and satisfy all of our needs. Not with out much compromise and giving up some of the foundation that makes you who you are.
Everyone wants to be happy. But what happiness can be found when you are forced to lose part of yourself? Why not embrace all of you. Embrace it with many people. A variety who can appreciate you for who you, all of you. I am in no way advocating cheating in the general sense of the term. I am advocating relationships where it is okay to form additional relationships to satisfy those desires which one person can not provide but let them be relationships that are expressed to your partners whether they be friends or lovers. No more secrecy but honesty.
Take a good look. Can you truly say that monogamy is the way to go? If it is, then why do so many people cheat, lie, deceive and still love one but yet seek out another to fulfill additional desires?

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