21 February 2008

dating the sexually challenged

"We want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed."

It's quite obvious and certainly makes sense that men love sexy women and, even moreso, sexy women who are secretly sex kittens. What doesn't make sense, though, is why men date women who are the opposite of their desires?

According to an article, What Men Want, on Aspirenow.com by founder, Scott Andrews, a man's number two need is "consistent, frequent, passionate sex (or hot sex)." Andrews writes that men want a woman with a bit of a lusty animal side in bed and that a woman who is more vocal in bed and carries the attitude that goes with it is likely to get a lot back since men bond through physical connection. If this truly is what men want, then why am I bombarded with men who date women who are the exact opposite whom they constantly complain about while they, in turn, degrade the perfect sex kitten for being sexually liberated?

After posting the blog, How to Keep Your Man on a Faithfully Tight Leash, comments and messages flooded in, all with the exact same premise. 'I wish there was a way to relay this information to my wife/girlfriend.' Basically, how can I convert my prude of a woman into a confident sex kitten? Why do men find themselves getting into relationships with prudish women only to thus complain to the sex kittens they so conveniently pushed aside?

Men, you end up with sex-withholding, unadventurous women because you only see the sex kittens as booty calls. The women who are more than willing to fulfill your every sexual desire you only see as a sexual convenience, despite all their other admirable personality traits. A friend of mine, in his response to the blog Playing by Numbers, wrote, "The way I look at it the girl who only has been with 3 or 4 guys I want to take home to meet my parents. But the one I want to spend the night with is the more experienced and adventurous one." Why can't the girl you want to spend the night with be the one you take home to meet your mother? In about 2 to 3 months, when the 'meet the parents girl' finally does satisfy your sexually urge momentarily, you'll be complaining to me about the abundant lack of sex in the relationship.

Including myself, I know of at least four women, off the top of my head, who are almost always single yet are ladies in the street and sex kittens in the bedroom. Are we single simply because we are sexually liberated, sexually adventurous and open? None of us have any flaws that should be deterring men from desiring to date us aside from the fact that we all love sex and apparently those are not the type of girls you bring home to mom. Instead you just bitch to dad about how your current girlfriend doesn't ever put out. We are the girls who are good enough to be booty calls and then good enough to come whining to when you want to cheat on your current girlfriend because she wouldn't know your cock if you smacked her on the forehead with it.

You wonder why your relationship lacks sexual luster when you date girls with the beliefs like the following two women featured on AskMen.com. J claims "sex isn't that important. After all, what's sex going to do for a couple if they're not compatible? My boyfriend and I experiment and have sex very often now, but once we're married sex will definitely take a backseat to more important issues." Or, a woman who believes and says, "I hate oral sex. I think that it is the grossest thing in the world. I gag at the thought of having a penis in my mouth. But my boyfriend is cool with it."

The 2004 survey done by ABC News Primetime Live concluded that "people who report more partners are more sexually adventurous and enjoy sex a great deal." Are you seriously going to fault women for having the same desires as you and who are openly willing to express said desires? These girls, the ones that you view as only booty calls, the ones who can and will fulfill all your sexual desires, want what all other women want, we just have your sex drive as well. We are still worthy of meeting your mother. Yet we are degraded for giving you exactly what you want. If we close are legs, we are prudes. If we open our legs too soon we are sluts. Peter Rodrigues on a msypace dating forum states, "we all like women that like to have sex. Bottomline. Men are easily bored after hitting the same thing time and time again. They like variety and they like to be entertained." If this is true, why do you choose to date the women who give you the exact opposite while faulting the sex kittens?

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